Get Back on Track with Your Guitar Playing

By Janez Janežič

Have you ever been so motivated to get better at guitar, that you blocked out your afternoons and practiced all the time, regularly?

Or maybe you didn’t have the entire afternoons free and only scheduled an hour, or at least 30 minutes, to practice.

Most of us have been there at some point in our guitar playing. And it is awesome to be so driven at something, and do something meaningful with our free time.

But then, something happens. You don’t have the time anymore, you come home tired, and just want to rest for the evening. Slowly your regular practice becomes irregular, and after a while you fall out of the habit completely.

You maybe pick up the guitar from time to time, but it’s not as satisfying anymore. You feel like you are stuck at the same level, but think you don’t have the time to practice regularly.

Additionally, you are starting to be afraid you are incapable of devoting to anything in your life, because you always fall out. Your self-esteem declines. You might even feel unworthy of the result in the end. The success is only reserved to all those supermen, who never stopped working on the things they really wanted in life.

Stop right there!

We all heard a million times that in order to be successful at anything in your life, even guitar, you must be consistent and never give up.

But what we can quickly understand that as: you have to be doing this thing all the time, and never stop. If you stop, you fail.

But what we fail to realize is that even the most successful people have their downfalls, their bad seasons, mistakes, and their consequences: and altogether not very motivating periods in their life.

The difference is that they are very quick at getting back on track, getting their stuff together and continue following the path they chose.

We all fall and have our “down” moments, days, weeks, months, or even years.

The true consistency consists of two things:

-The ability to do activities that propel us forward on a daily basis

-The ability to consistently get back on track, as soon as we see ourselves getting off

And trust me when I say, you will not always “feel like” doing it all the time, every day of your life (if you are, please shoot me an email, because I would like to meet you). The key to moving forward in playing guitar, is to sometimes do it anyway, even if you don’t feel like it … or even letting yourself go one day, forgiving yourself, but making a new plan on how you are going to get back on track with it as soon as possible.

Don’t be afraid to pick yourself back up. You ARE worthy of success as a guitar player. Just by realizing that you have fallen off your good habits, is a huge step forward. So, congratulations! You can now focus on getting back as fast as possible.

Don’t worry about the missed time now, because it’s already passed. Today is the second-best time to start working on your dreams. So pick up your guitar and build them. Good luck!

About The Author

Janez Janežič is a guitar teacher from Slovenia, who recognises the importance of motivating his students to become the best they can be. If you want to take great motivating guitar lessons in Novo mesto the best guitar player you can be, be sure to check out his website.